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The Horangi Guide | The Red Team Attack Simulation That We Built Around the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

The purpose of a red team assessment is to demonstrate how real-world attackers would attempt to compromise critical functions and underlying systems of an organisation. Horangi utilizes MITRE ATT&CK®, a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations, to perform realistic adversarial simulations.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand what Red Teaming is, what it entails, and what a successful Red Teaming engagement looks like.
  • Learn more about the MITRE ATT&CK framework and how Horangi utilizes it to enhance its methodology in its evaluation of an organization's resilience against real-world cyber adversaries.
  • Find out about what to expect for a Red Teaming engagement with Horangi from the project's initiation and execution, to the final reporting and presentation.

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