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CREST-Accredited Penetration Testing

Harden your security with Horangi's extensive spectrum of penetration tests. The Horangi team is rigorously trained to stay up to date with all the latest exploits in a variety of Internet-facing systems.

What is a Penetration Test?

In a Horangi penetration test, we look for vulnerabilities in web or network systems and applications that are exploitable by an attacker, then provide recommendations to improve security posture.

Web application penetration testing

Web applications are defining the customer experience for a growing number of businesses today. For web applications that interface with confidential user data, it is critical that they are hardened to be vulnerability-free so that the customer enjoys a secure and smooth experience. Horangi provides Web App Penetration Testing to help organizations understand and patch vulnerabilities in all the application functions, its APIs, and its data flow.

Network penetration test

A network composed of many systems, hosts, network devices, and endpoints can contain a range of vulnerabilities for attackers to exploit. Organizations can leverage Horangi's Network Penetration Test to reveal critical, real-world vulnerabilities in a threat model to better understand and prioritize potential targets and attack vectors. With that, organizations can take appropriate measures to build a robust network security posture in the long run.

Web service penetration test

As web services are growing in popularity and becoming integral in many applications to help app-to-app interfacing, it is essential that organizations establish the risks, attack vectors, and types of data and schemas handled by their web service. Horangi provides Web Service Penetration Testing to help our customers gain visibility and remediate the critical security risks in their web services.

Wireless penetration testing

Wireless network access provides convenience, yet at the same time exposes your network to unnecessary risks. It is crucial that your organization secure your wireless environment as adversaries will be targeting these easily accessible entry points exposed to the public. At Horangi, we provide Wireless Penetration Testing to ensure that your organization’s wireless network is in good health.

Mobile application penetration testing

As a central aspect of many organizations today, mobile applications have the potential to gain access to significant amounts of confidential user data. It is hence crucial that organizations take the necessary precautions to protect their applications from the relevant attack vectors. Horangi provides Mobile App Penetration Test to provide organizations with visibility of their biggest application security risks and knowledge on how to build a robust application security posture.

IoT penetration testing

The number of connected devices has rocketed in the past few years. As documented in recent threat intelligence reports, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a significant target for threat actors aiming to build botnets used in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Internet of Things testing services provide a valuable way to assess the security levels associated with a given connected device.

Thick client penetration testing

Thick Client (also known as Fat Client) applications are a mainstay in many business environments today for its unique benefits. Available commonly in two-tier and three-tier architecture models, thick client applications can see vulnerabilities arising from both local and server-side. Thick Client pentests are required to uncover critical vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL Injection.

Get a quote and begin scoping your project requirements.

Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing (VAPT) engagements can vary depending on your business objective. Complete the form below to request a callback from our security consultants.

Customer Stories





Sparrow is committed to providing the most secure platform to enable everyone and anyone to trade confidently. We recognize the world-class standard of Horangi's cybersecurity consultants and are proud to have passed their stringent security assessments on Sparrow's web applications.

Kenneth Yeo, CEO

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Pentesting

Leverage Horangi's vast wealth of cybersecurity expertise to achieve your business objectives.

What is the difference between a Black Box, Gray Box, & White Box Pentest?

Each type of pentesting describes a different approach taken by a pentester when designing test cases. Each type of pentest would require a different level of support, access, and system information provided by the client to the pentester — with black-box pentesting requiring the least support from the clients, white-box pentesting requiring the most, and gray-box pentesting being somewhere in the middle.

How often should I do a Pentest?

For compliance with regulatory laws and for maintaining a strong security posture, penetration testing should be performed at least annually or whenever there is a significant upgrade or modification of the organization's infrastructure and applications in use. Check out the below resource to understand why penetration tests are so significant.

Why should I pick Horangi for my Pentest?

Horangi prides itself on its best-in-class service delivery, with a team of elite cybersecurity professionals that starts every engagement with methodicalobjective-focused scoping. Our test approaches are always being honed with continuous learning and the latest industry research, and our report recommendations are tailored in accordance with the customer’s risk appetite and environment.

What can I expect from a Horangi Pentest Report?

Uncover an accurate picture of your security posture from the application, network, or target system that was tested. Our report allows you to understand the important vulnerabilities that were successfully discovered and tested, plus why and how you need to tackle them.

Each report is crafted with agreed objectives in mind, saving you time by being immediately actionable and presentable to leadership and stakeholders to show the current state of your target system's security posture. Drop us an enquiry today to learn how Horangi can best support your requirements.

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