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OJK Compliance with Horangi

The Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) regulations are a continuously updated set of cyber security and risk management principles and best practices for the financial sector in Indonesia. Financial Institutions based in Indonesia that meet these OJK requirements demonstrate sound and robust practices, as proof of their commitment to data security.

Our certifications

Horangi‘s Indonesia-based consultants are well-versed in international frameworks including NIST, ISO 27001, and CIS, with many best practices that mirror those used by the OJK regulatory body in Indonesia. Our expertise includes the gap assessment against OJK security standards and the implementation of policies and security controls that help organizations become compliant with OJK regulations.

CPSA certification logo

CISSP certification logo

CSSLP certification logo


GCIH certification logo

ISO 27001

CRISC certification logo

CCNA certification logo

CCSP certification logo

CISA certification logo

Horangi’s OJK compliance service includes

  • Risk assessments
  • Third-Party vendor security assessments
  • Policy and process development
  • Board and leadership presentations
  • OJK controls gap assessment
  • Business continuity & incident response planning
  • Security awareness training

Satisfy these OJK requirements with Horangi's expertise

  • POJK Nomor 38/POJK.03/2016 dan SE OJK Nomor 21/SEOJK.03/2017 (Penerapan Manajemen Risiko dalam Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi oleh Bank Umum)
  • PBI No 18/40/PBI/2016 dan SEBI No 18/41/DKSP (Penyelenggaraan Pemrosesan Transaksi Pembayaran)
  • POJK No 12/POJK.03/2018 (Penyelenggaraan Layanan Perbankan Digital oleh Bank Umum)
  • PBI No.11/11/PBI/2009 (Penyelenggara Kegiatan Alat Pembayaran Dengan Menggunakan Kartu)
  • PBI No 11/12/PBI/2009 (Uang Elektronik (Electronic Money))
  • SE OJK Nomor 14/SEOJK.07/2014 (Kerahasiaan dan Keamanan Data dan/atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen)

Have a question?

Connect with Horangi’s cyber security experts if you need more information about complying with OJK.

More security benefits with Horangi’s OJK compliance program.

  • We help you develop a comprehensive and holistic security program, with security capabilities across incident response, endpoint security, access, and data management
  • We review your organization’s existing control framework with simulated attacks and stakeholder interviews
  • We develop and refine policies tailored to manage the unique data risks in the systems and environments operated by your organization
  • Horangi combines decades of Governance, Risk, and Compliance plus OffSec experience across a multitude of industries (eg. cryptocurrency, fintech, retail, insurance)

Customer Success Story

Santara is one of the first and largest crowdfunding platforms based in Indonesia licensed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Horangi ensuring that Santara continuously stays compliant with the stringent OJK requirements in Indonesia with a security assessment on the Santara web and mobile applications.

“We cannot emphasize enough the importance of information security, especially for similar businesses managing confidential and financial data. Horangi’s service delivery has been nothing short of exceptional, and we hope to continue collaborating with such trusted security vendors in the future.”

Maulana Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Santara CTO